Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga

March 29, 2021 2023-10-05 17:10

Feeling healthy and well is not a luxury but an absolute necessity. Heal both your soul and body with our miraculous treatments and return home as a new person, calm and refreshed.

Opening Dates

Tuesday – Thursday

Opening Hours

7 am to 9.15 am

Price Range


$ 30

Kundalini & Mantras by DaddyGuru

  • 7 a.m
  • Teacher: DADDYGURU

**Reservation ONLY**

Kundalini Yoga... (more info)

60 minutes $30

Start: 7 a.m

Kundalini yoga derives from “kundalini,” defined in Tantra as energy that lies within the body, frequently at the navel or the base of the spine. In normative tantric systems, kundalini is considered to be dormant until it is activated through this yoga practice and is channeled upward through the central channel in a process of spiritual perfection. Kundalini is power associated with the divine feminine, “Shakti.”

$ 30

Mantras by DaddyGuru

  • 8.15 a.m
  • Teacher: DADDYGURU

**Reservation ONLY**

Mantra Work...(more info)

60 minutes $30

Start: 8.15 a.m

The universe exists in vibration. From all the matter in the material world to our emotions, thoughts and feelings, everything is vibrating. Divine Energy, the myriad force that guides the universe into existence, is also vibrating. Though the sacred and powerful art of Mantra chanting, we harmonize our personal vibrations with that of the Divine. When we raise our vibrations, we are more centered, accepting of our lives and of ourselves while at the same time we attract more prosperity, positive connections and more golden opportunities in our lives.

Our Services

Our tranquility experts help you access the key
elements of wellness. Our experiences are in Spanish and English.

**Please reserve a day before to have a place in the class.**

Check Availabity

1 Room , 1 Adult , 0 Children